Sanjay Negi's thoughts on Current Affairs and Information Technology Directions.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

The economics of water supplies to cities and towns..

Water stress in summers...some back of envelop calculations...

Is it necessary that urban areas have to face water stress in summers. India is blessed with so much precipitation, that water should be the least of anyone's worries...but reality is just the opposite.

Take a typical city in India...the overall urban density of population is about 3000 persons per sq Km... the annual precipitation is 800 one sq.Km gets about 800,000 cu meters of water from God every year....that is 800 million liters of water.

One person can comfortably survive with about 100 liters of water per day...that is less than 40,000 liters per year....for 1,000 persons, 40 million liters would be each sq Km with 800 million liters supply from God, 20,000 persons could be easily supported...

The density of population of Class 1 cities is only 7,000 per sq. Km...the density of Class 2 cities is 3,000...and smaller towns it is much less...

Thus even the most heavily populated cities in India need not look for external sources of fresh water supply...

But India does not believe in doing things in a straight forward and simple manner...

The government drives away poor farmers in remote areas to build huge dams which submerge productive farmlands and deprive millions of their livelihoods...then it drives away many more to build canals to transport the water to cities and towns...

The government of India is basically acting as an invasion uses the might of the state to transfer wealth from the poor to itself and its drives away poor farmers and tribals from their lands, it invests in huge projects like dams and canals for bribes and wonder we have naxalites and separatists spawning all over the country...

The right model for water management is the one implemented by Anna in Ralegan and Rajendra Singh in Alwar...India gets most of its rain in the monsoon season and any specific area actually gets its quota of rain in a dozen sharp it is very important to harvest this water into underground aquifers before it evaporates in the strong summer sun or joins larger rivers to eventually flow into the sea...

So instead of building mega dams on large rivers, it is best to build numerous small watershed bunds on small seasonal streams...the water collected after each shower quickly percolates underground and recharges all aquifers in the vicinity...

The rising water table lowers the cost of pumping out water for irrigation and makes water accessible for small farmers who cannot afford expensive submersible pumps which are the only way to pump out water from great depths when the water table is too low...

Another coincidental advantage is that the underground water is evaporation proof and the overflow from the aquifers feeds the larger rivers downstream throughout the year maintaining even flow in them while preventing catastrophic flooding during monsoons...

So why do governments do not follow this sensible policy and instead go about displacing people who have no voice...the answer lies in human greed...large projects generate large opportunities for graft, kickbacks and extortions....and money is the mother's milk for all political activity in this these hoodlums will keep brainwashing all citizens that dams are good for the country and stuffing their pockets with the moolah in undisguised glee...

Just how much energy and expense is required to lift water from underground water tables or aquifers...

10 Joules are required to lift one liters of water one meter.

One unit of energy i.e. one KWH has 36,00,000 Joules.

One family of 5 persons needs 200,000 liters of water per year.

If with good water harvesting, the water table is at 20 meters depth, then the energy required for lifting 200,000 liters of water up by 20 meters is 40 million joules.

This is a little less than 10 units of electricity...or about Rs.50 expense per year...

Even if the water table is at 60 meters depth, the expense for lifting the water is only Rs. 150 per year per family of 5 members...

So it makes a lot of economic sense for the government to focus entirely on making underground water available to all citizens. This can only be done by strategically recharging underground aquifers by following the lead given by visionaries like Anna and Rajendra Singh...Anna is not even a high school he would not even understand all these calculations...but all geniuses have an intuitive understanding of the optimal path to a solution...

Compare this with the expense of driving out farmers from their land, hearth and homes to build mega dams on rivers hundreds of miles away from cities, building expensive canals to transport the water and then running an inefficient and corrupt municipal water supplies department which runs the constantly corroding infrastructure...

Why don't governments follow this sensible approach to water management...because building water infrastructure creates opportunities for graft, kickbacks and extortion in addition to the creation and growth of vast patronage networks that ability to provide government employment on the basis of caste, region, religion and other identity politics brings...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Google to Warn 500,000 of DNS Changer Infections

Google to Warn 500,000 of DNS Changer Infections

Monday, May 21, 2012

Reservations in Private Sector...Why Anna Should Campaign for This

Anna Ji,
I wish you good luck in your struggles…
In the past one year, we have seen a broad coalition of corrupt political forces gathering momentum against your movement….these forces are forming around the solid nucleus being provided by the Congress party. Unfortunately these forces also are seen as those fighting for the disadvantaged in Indian society….that is why your movement must take a strong stand in favor of the disadvantaged groups like the Dalits and OBCs…and backward Muslims….
The best way to position your movement is to give a call for affirmative action for the landless rural masses from these sections in the growing Indian private sector….this would meet several objectives in one stroke.
So far since independence job reservations have been the prerogative of the government sector. This has created a huge constituency in favor of the Congress Party consisting of all those directly or indirectly benefited by the reservation policy of the government. That is the reason why all Dalit intellectuals are violently opposed to your movement….
You need to swiftly change the goal posts….let the private sector bear its share of the burden for redistributing wealth in society….we know the government does not redistribute wealth without massive doses of corruption and extortion…let the private sector which is growing by leaps and bounds play its natural role in building an egalitarian society….you will face lot of opposition from all the crony capitalists but you should ignore them completely…
The other pillar of this strategy is to alter the basis of identity politics in this country….reservations should be meant for all rural people who are landless….this would automatically include the vast majority of dalits and OBCs but leave out those who have benefited from job reservations in their previous generations and are actually able to fend for themselves….
This new proposition would be applicable only to the private sector and the government can continue with its convoluted reservation system for the well to do crony dalit and OBC politicians and intellectuals….
Over a period of time the really deserving Dalits and OBCs employed by the productive private sector would realize the exploitation that their more fortunate brothers and sisters employed with the government indulge in and will start giving help in transforming this country…
Regarding the Muslims, most of them would get covered as they also live in rural areas and are landless like the Dalits and OBCs…..they do have a identity issue as spiritual assimilation of Islamic thought in the Hindu ethos has not taken place in this country….that is the reason for most Muslims staying away from your movement …you have an opportunity to begin this assimilation process by championing Sharia like laws for the chronic extortionists in the political and bureaucratic class….Sharia laws for dealing with massive crimes were made to fight depravity in despotic societies and they would suit Indian politicians very well….

Friday, May 18, 2012

Next Big Future: Beyond the High-Speed Hard Drive: Topological Insu...

Next Big Future: Beyond the High-Speed Hard Drive: Topological Insu...: Strange new materials experimentally identified just a few years ago are now driving research in condensed-matter physics around the world. ...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Contrary Brin: Challenges for Future Generations: space, brain pr...

Contrary Brin: Challenges for Future Generations: space, brain pr...: Continuing in a space and science vein, let's reprise the topic from last time... only this time with another of my rambunctious-uppity v...