Demolitions in Delhi
A truly hilarious and entertaining situation is evident in the Indian Capital nowadays. The bulk of the city does not conform to building regulations, but the Judiciary wants the illegal portions to be razed which would mean reconstructing the city all over again. Therefore the federal government hastily with the stroke of a magic pen as it were, changes the law to make legal what was for so many years patently illegal.Therein lies the comedy of Indian self governance. The Indian state loots the public through taxes and other levies and then pours this ill gotten wealth into the Capital so that the corrupt bureacratic and political cadres can enjoy a cocooned like of luxuries very unlike the masses they claim to serve. Of course they cannot prevent migration into this oasis of infrastructural bliss as it would appear too obvious an attempt to segregate themselves. Therefore opportunity starved masses start getting attracted to this haven which in turn creates pressure on the ill gotten services. This rapidly deteriorates into a chaotic scenario where laws meant to protect the comforts of the few are generally flouted and the city starts looking like a slum (which it would have been to start with if people's taxes had not been forcibly channelized to serve a chosen few). This is when the constitutionally revered pillar called the Judiciary wakes up. In India Judiciary does not have a distinct existance from the Bureacracy. They compete for the distribution of the tax spoils, much like the invaders from Central Asia did in mediaval times.The Judiciary has an interest in keeping Delhi's facilities from getting distributed to all and therefore enters into a ridiculous fight with the politicians and administrators who have in the melee found another way of using the situation to their benefit. Rules are deliberately made discretionary so that there is plenty of scope for collecting gratification through the resulting opacity in procedures. The Judiciary by and large gets left out in this day to day plunder and therefore may be resenting the whole process.
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